* No need to buy the exact same material below. If you have anything similar, bring them to class, try mine too, then decide to buy or not :)


For Black&White Sketching


Prismacolor Turquoise Lead Refills - 2 mm, 2B& 2H

Prismacolor Turquoise Lead Holder

Gray Paper Stumps - Assorted, Set of 12

Staedtler Mars Lead Pointer

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil - White 

Alvin Stainless Steel Ruler - 12", Non-Skid

Matt stone shape template

Alvin Oval Template

Timely T-89 Small CircleTemplate

Maped Study Compass Pencil

Tracing paper pad


For Coloring


Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolor tubes or Hobein watercolor tube set 30 color  or Korean watercolor 15mlx24colors $95 order available 2 weeks prior to you class and pick up at class. Please email me to wooakimdesign@gmal.com

Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Pointed Round Brush set of 5   or Korean brush set of 5$45 order available 2 weeks prior to you class and pick up at class. Please email me to wooakimdesign@gmal.com

Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache - Permanent White, 14 ml tube

Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache - Jet Black, 14 ml tube

Holbein metal palette

Porcelain Flower Palette (Optional)

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil - Rose/Grass green/White/Black

Small towel

Water jar


For quick sketching

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen Set - Black, 005

Winsor & Newton Watercolor Mediums - Ox Gall Liquid, 75 ml bottle

Rotring Isograph pen 0.1mm 

Rotring Isograph ink , white

Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen with soft brush nib in grey shade - 230,232,233,235

Canson Opalux Translucent 110 LB 180 GSM